June 2024 Asset Allocation Update

What Does This All Mean?


U.S. Equities

Exposure will not change and will remain overweight. Trends over all timeframes are positive, and it remains the strongest equity asset class.


International Equities

Exposure will be at baseline allocation. Trends are positive across all timeframes.


Real Estate

Exposure will remain at its minimum allocation as trends across both timeframes continue to be negative.


U.S. & International Treasuries

Exposure will not change and will remain at minimum allocations as trends remain in negative territory.


Inflation-Protected Bonds

Exposure will not change and will remain at its minimum due to downtrends across both timeframes.



Exposure will be expressed through a multi-asset alternative ETF. The current allocation is long equities, long fixed income, slightly short commodities, and neutral to global currencies.


Short-Term Fixed Income

Exposure will not change as it continues to hold exposure from weaker fixed income instruments.

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