Monthly Investment Updates

What you need to know
July 2024 Investment Update

July 2024 Investment Update

In recent months, the stock market has shown robust gains amidst broader economic challenges such as rising costs and interest rates, leaving many individuals apprehensive about future trends. A notable indicator, the “Buffett indicator,” which compares the total value of U.S. stocks to the GDP, reached 204.9% by the end of May, signaling historically high stock valuations. Looking ahead, uncertainties loom over whether stocks will continue to rise or face potential declines, influenced by factors like electoral outcomes, policy changes, and global events.

The Federal Reserve’s decision to maintain current interest rates reflects a cautious approach, projecting only one rate cut by year-end and anticipating higher long-term rates despite moderate progress on inflation. Concurrently, a decline in job openings suggests potential shifts in economic conditions, impacting unemployment rates and stability. Moreover, crude oil prices have recently surged amid expectations of a Fed rate cut, emphasizing the need for vigilance among investors and consumers regarding economic indicators and their financial implications.

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June Investment Update

June Investment Update

Last month we discussed the tendency of markets to experience downturns and how trend following often takes a wait-and-see approach during small declines. April’s U.S. equity market declines were erased in May, as the market bounced back and set new all-time highs. This illustrates that trend following is less about predicting outcomes and more about maintaining a disciplined process. This investing approach enables decisive action without second-guessing, which we think is a significant advantage.

In this month’s Note, we discuss our continued wait-and-see approach in fixed income, which has been significantly affected by what’s been happening — or not happening — with interest rates. Despite predictions of cuts in 2024, higher rates have persisted.

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May Investor’s Note 2024

May Investor’s Note 2024

In this month’s note, we delve deeper into the S&P 500’s performance, particularly examining monthly declines of 5% or more. Moreover, we underscore one of the prime advantages of trend following: its capacity to guide investor behavior with a disciplined, repeatable approach that fosters rational decision-making amidst turbulent times. We firmly believe that this approach is the cornerstone of long-term wealth accumulation and is instrumental in helping our clients realize their financial aspirations.

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April Investor’s Note 2024

April Investor’s Note 2024

In this month’s update, we encourage clients to embrace the present market environment rather than succumbing to worry. We reflect on the resilience of the S&P 500, poised for one of its best first-quarter performances in nearly a century, highlighting the importance of systematic investing. Our asset-level overview explores the robust performance of equities and real estate markets, alongside insights into fixed income and alternatives. Additionally, we analyze three potential catalysts for trend changes, including the Federal Reserve’s rate decisions and shifts in the mortgage-backed securities market. The editorial section delves into historical data, revealing intriguing patterns in the market’s performance, and emphasizes the significance of a systematic investment approach. Overall, we aim to provide clients with actionable insights while encouraging them to enjoy the current market momentum.

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March Investment Update

March Investment Update

Discover insights into recent market trends and investment opportunities in our latest March investment update. We explore the concept of “sins of omission” and stress the importance of reviewing missed opportunities while highlighting the value of employing systematic investment strategies to achieve financial goals. From equities and real estate to fixed income and alternatives, we analyze market movements and potential catalysts for trend changes, providing valuable insights for investors navigating today’s dynamic landscape.

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February Investment Update 2024

February Investment Update 2024

In recent discussions with clients, the topic of “all-time highs” has arisen, often signaling potential market downturns. However, in January, the S&P 500 marked four all-time highs, breaking the previous peak from January 2022. This shift, though relatively brief, holds significance both psychologically and for long-term compounding potential after 512 days below the prior high.

Since 2013, the S&P 500 has reached 351 all-time highs, varying in frequency. This differs from the period from 1930 to 1953, which saw no new highs. Our trend-following analysis suggests that trends tend to persist, but we prepare for moments when “this time is different.” Dive into this further, click the button below to read the full note.

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January Monthly Note 2024

January Monthly Note 2024

In this month’s note, we discuss why predictions can be perilous territory, often leading to emotionally driven investment decisions only to justify them intellectually. Additionally, we share why we feel so strongly about flipping the order to start from the intellectual standpoint, which we believe means having a systematic and repeatable investment process.

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December Monthly Note 2023

December Monthly Note 2023

In this month’s update, we delve into the rollercoaster of investor sentiment mirrored in the S&P 500 movements this year. We also explore historical S&P 500 data, homing in on recovery timelines and offering perspective on the last 24 months.

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November Monthly Note 2023

November Monthly Note 2023

With just two more monthly updates remaining in 2023, we find ourselves reflecting on what has been a year marked by notable shifts in investor sentiment. It is worth noting that even we, as believers in systematic asset management, are not immune to human tendencies such as recency bias, and our perspective may also be shaped by recent events.

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